Monday, April 11, 2011

Im Back and 3DS Review !

I'm back ? Sorry I had that little pause I had in making blog post ! i have been REALLY busy playing my 3DS ! I got it on the first day it came out (March 27th). I have to say the 3DS is really awesome !It's so awesome there's not really a word for it ! Just to give it a short review I have to say, It is good to play with but some things get old after a while ! Some things that don't get old are the Augmented Reality Games. With the Fishing you can catch endless Breed's ! I "Might" do a video (and longer) review on the 3DS ! By the way, the 3DS does give me eye strain every one and a while !

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Got to Play the 3DS at Best Buy !!

I basicly got to play Nintendo's newest system, the Nintendo 3DS and I have to say it was awesome ! I played Pilot Wings Resort and that's not an all that game. It has its ups and its downs. But I did enjoy playing it. The 3D effect works just fine and for those who can't decide what color to get, Aqua Blue is really kinda more a greenish color than blue. But I have to say I did start getting a headache after (Almost) an hour of playing it, and yes I played it for (Almost) a whole hour. I hogged it ! By the way, the 3DS is now in every Best Buy across America, So you can try it now !

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Decorations" Filter in the 3D Camera on the Nintendo 3DS

This is a cool little Feature on the Nintendo 3DS Camera were you can just blow in the Microphone and Decorations will magily Appear! Thats Pretty cool to me , I bet there will be more video's on the Camera But There Will be many more viddeo's on the 3DS its self !

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fishing AR Game on Nintendo 3DS !

Here are one of the Augmented Reality games on the 3DS . This is a Fishing game called "Fishing" and it seems the Dragon Apears to show in alot of Augmented Reality Games ! So check for more Nintendo 3DS Video's !

A Clear look at the Nintendo 3DS Sound Application !

This is A good look at the Nintendo 3DS Camera Application to see what Features the camera has ! Basicly its just showing the settings and the Effects and things like that and thats it ! and we will Have many more upcoming video's soon !

A Quick Look at the Nintendo 3DS Friends List

So basicly, This is a Crystal Clear view of the Nintendo 3DS Friends list, and they do have a Feature were you can message your friends without being nearby ! So hopfully we'll have video's on that. But there will be very much more video's on the Nintendo 3DS so keep on checking for them !

Playing Around With the Backwards Compatibility on the Nintendo 3DS !

In the following video it just show how the Nintendo DS games you have now will look on the Nintendo 3DS ! This is the Backwards Compatiblity Feature that the Nintendo 3DS has, the two Gents in the video tells it all. There will be more Nintendo 3DS Video's on the way !

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Testing Internet Versus Mode in Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition

This is a test of Internet Versus (Multiplayer) Feature that SSF4 has, and of course you will need Wi-Fi to get the internet and to do this feature ! So that it there will be Lots of more video's to come !

Rumor: 3DS Browser may support YouTube !

Nintendo has dropped Opera as their browser of choice. Instead, the 3DS will use Netfront, the same browser used in the PS3 and PSP. This browser supports HTML5 and Flash, two distinct technologies that allow you to watch videos on YouTube. This doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be able to browse YouTube on the 3DS, as Nintendo will surely make tweaks based on what they feel is the best match for the system (and Flash is known as a massive battery hog). But the latest version of NetFront has a lot of cool features that Nintendo could take advantage of. The 3DS browser will be made available via worldwide system update in late May.

Testing StreetPass in Tokyo, First Look at Mii Plaza, and Detailed Mii Creation

These two Gentelmen Tested the Strretpass in the streets of Tokyo, Japan by just walking around with the 3DS in there pocket or whatever they carried it in . So with a couple of hours of walking around in Tokyo they should have many Play Coins, and thats it ! But remember to look out for more 3DS video's !

Walkthrough of Mii Viewer (AR Games) for Nintendo 3DS

This is another Augmented Reality Game. So all it really is, is you putting the AR card on a table and making your Mii's do poses and you can take pictures with them ! Watch out for more 3DS video's !

Walkthrough of Graffiti (AR Games), a 3D Drawing Application for Nintendo 3DS

This is a preview of the Augmented Reality Graffiti Application . As you can see in this video you can draw you own 3D person or whatever you want to draw, and you can add Special Effects to it ! Remember there will be more video's to come !

Samus, Link, Kirby and Pikmin in Augmented Reality for Nintendo 3DS

Here is a little preview of all the AR cards that come with the 3DS .As you can see in this video it shows all the AR cards in one photo shot with them moving and things in that nature ! Look out for more video's on the Nintendo 3DS !

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Sold Out !

Thats right, the Nintendo 3DS has just been released in Japan yesterday and every single one of them are sold out ! There was 400,000 availible aross the whole country ! That wasn't even a week. That was only one day and now its sold out and no longer availible in Japan ! So its best to pre-order your's now for when it comes out in the U.S. Its a good thing I pre-ordered mine ! Just go to to pre order yours now. But more shipments for the 3DS will be back in Japan soon!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Print off your own Augmented Reality cards !

The augmented reality cards bundled with the 3DS allow the device to judge how far you are from a surface and determine how you’re holding it. This means you can simply print our your own cards if need be. Nintendo has released an official PDF to make this easier, and you can download that file by clicking here.

Nintendo 3DS Unboxing !

Here's a Unboxing of the Nintendo 3DS that was released in Japan today ! There will be lots and lots more video's about the 3DS coming on this site !

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

AR Games: First look at Star Viewer and Graffiti

All the augmented reality games built-in to the Nintendo 3DS operating system have been leaked . And now we have two very clear screenshots of what the Star View and Graffiti applications look like, as the images are captured directly from the device.

The best look we’ve had at the Nintendo 3DS user interface so far

I love user interfaces, but most demo units of the 3DS lack the ability to navigate the menu system. Luckily this was not the case in the above video which gives quite a nice look at the “System Settings” section, download play and more. It looks quite slick and will give you yet another thing to drool over.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unboxing reveals 6 different augmented reality cards, but what are they for?

Okay, so GAME recently unboxed  the Nintendo 3DS. And what was particularly curious is that they found six different cards to be used with the augmented reality games, five of which feature classic Nintendo characters including Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus and Pikmin. 

 What’s so strange about this is that the design of the card itself is not of any importance. It only acts as a reference point while the 3DS itself would use something like planar tracking to calculate what angle the in-game graphics need to be placed on. But I very much doubt this is a hoax so the question is, what is the purpose of these individual cards?

Photos: Unboxing the Nintendo 3DS

GAME has got their hands on a retail unit of the Nintendo 3DS and have posted photos of them unboxing it for the entire world to see. One of the pictures shows off six different augmented reality cards, five of which feature classic Nintendo characters, which I found incredibly curious. I’ll dedicate a new post to that mystery though, so please keep the discussion in the comments related to unboxing itself.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No Nintendo Points Cards for 3DS

Real currency is replacing Nintendo points. But just in case you were hoping there’d be some sort of grace period where you could use the points with the 3DS, I’m afraid your out of luck. Here’s the official quote:
“Prepaid Nintendo point cards cannot be used with the Nintendo 3DS. Prepaid point cards that can be used with the 3DS will go on sale at a later date.”
That last sentence is referring to cards that will be similar to the iTunes vouchers you find in stores. These will allow you to buy cards as you might usually do (without the use of a credit card), but will represent an actual dollar value rather than ambiguous set of points

Monday, February 14, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Home-Screen Hologram

The holographic display in the above video popped up at a pre-launch event in Europe. It doesn’t really have any practical application, but it’s certainly an awesome piece of technology. Enjoy.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nintendo 3DS: Aplications For Nintendo 3DS

There is Finally an English Version of this so called Commercial.  Its not really a Commercial because you dont see it on T.V. and as a matter of fact you dont see any Nintendo 3DS Commercial's in America.  But there's about seven in Japan already.  But we might have some Commercial's about the Nintendo 3DS around the release date.  The following video is what you'll be expecting and Basicly just some of the application's on the 3DS.  But anyway Enjoy the Video!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Friends list supports basic form of nicknames, still no word on a messaging system

We’re not getting gamertags. But Nintendo has confirmed that “once friend codes are exchanged you see your friend listed by the nickname assigned to their system,” which at least makes managing our friends list a little easier. They’ve also said that they “do not have anything to announce at this time” in regards to a messaging system on the 3DS, which is in line with what has been previously said sort of invalidates other reports.

Play and charge is supported.

The Nintendo 3DS does not have great battery life. Passable, but not great. And so people have been asking, will I be able to charge my Nintendo 3DS via the charging cradle or AC adapter and still play the wonderful selection of games? Yes, yes you will. Nintendo has straight up said that:
“Users are able to play the Nintendo 3DS while charging, regardless of whether the system is plugged into the Charging Cradle or AC adapter. Both are just as effective.”

Monday, February 7, 2011

Street Fighter on the 3DS will have “seamless” matchmaking for online battles

“In online versus battles, you will not have to worry about going through a complicated selection mode or screen to find a suitable partner. The game will find one for you on the Internet – it will be seamless. Online versus battles will be global, so you’ll be playing against the strongest fighters from Japan and America.”
Based on my short time with Street Fighter it’s definitely the game I’m most excited for at launch.

Backwards Compatibility: A Short Guide to Playing DS Games on the Nintendo 3DS

DS games receive no visual enhancement when played in a 3DS. The resolution is not increased and they are not magically converted to 3D. But because there is the difference in resolution for the top screen of the 3DS compared to previous handhelds, borders are added to that display. There’s no difference with the bottom screen. Apparently there is some sort of blur filter applied to DS games when played in the 3DS. I feel ignorant for saying this, but I’m not sure of this filter’s purpose, although it doesn’t sound like it’ll be too annoying

Australian news reporter “made a dick” of himself while testing the Nintendo 3DS

Andrew Ramadge, an Australian news reporter got some hands-on time with the Nintendo 3DS recently and admitted that, when playing Target Shooting, one of the augmented reality bundled with the 3DS:
“I made a dick of myself in front of Nintendo’s public relations person as I tried to clamber up on the table to look inside.”
To those unfamiliar with our wonderfully colourful language, this is equivalent to saying “I looked stupid.” But of course, as is the Aussie way, we’re incredibly lazy so any form of eloquence in language will likely get you bashed rather than praised. That said, this does show how immersive these augmented reality games are. At the section of Target Shooting that requires you to shoot a target embedded within the surface you’re playing on, the shot can be somewhat difficult, and getting up onto the table would actually make the aiming easier

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Resident Evil 5 Coming to the 3DS !!!

Next time you find yourself in some stupid console war that concerns the 3DS, you might like to whip out the 3DS that Capcom has successfully run the Resident Evil 5 demo on the Nintendo 3DS. I'm not sure on the exact specifics, and maybe the frame-rate was quite low, and obviously the resolution is lower on a handheld making everything appear not as detailed, but Yoshinori Ono, the producer of Super Street Fighter IV was still quite impressed. And that’s good enough for me to use it in a blinding bout of fanboy rage.
…but seriously, it’s quite impressive that the 3DS can handle a game like Resident Evil 5.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tested: 3DS ran out of batteries after four hours

NGamer has a review unit of the Nintendo 3DS and have said that the “3DS ran out of batteries after four hours. Full brightness, full 3D, no wireless communications enabled.” Previous discussion of the battery life was vague so I think this gives us a more accurate intepretation. And while four hours doesn’t sound like a whole lot (and it’s not), I doubt anyone will play with full 3D enabled for that long. And I’m sure most folks can do without full brightness. It does seem that about five hours is the maximum though

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Amazon: The Nintendo 3DS is the 4th bestselling hardware for January, Aqua Blue is in the lead

The Nintendo 3DS is already racing up the sales charts, securing the fourth and fifth places on‘s bestselling gaming hardware for the month of January. The Aqua Blue color is currently in the lead sales-wise, but it’s common knowledge the ladies love Cosmo Black so everyone’ll come around at some point. It’s definitely not surprising that preorders for the Nintendo 3DS are selling a faster rate than the Wii.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The 3DS has a couple of small StreetPass-based games built into the operating system

StreetPass is the feature in the Nintendo 3DS that allows multiple devices to connect silently with each other when in a certain range and exchange all sorts of data, such as the Mii’s of fellow gamers, or perhaps ghost data in Mario Kart. But wait, there’s more! Satoru Iwata has confirmed that the Nintendo 3DS features a couple of small StreetPass-based games within the operating system itself. He reveals that one of these games is called “StreetPass Quest” but doesn’t shovel out any other details. He also admits that:
“Many of them even go back and forth in the building, without any business purpose, to collect as many Mii characters as possible or secretly check their Nintendo 3DS during meetings. In fact, I am also one of them.”

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Nintendo 3DS allows you to send messages to people on your friend list !

On the Nintendo 3DS you will be able to recive messages from friends. It's kinda like Picto Chat but it is wireless and you will not have to be nearby the person you are messeging. You’ll be able to send messages back and forth to your friends as well. When your 3DS receives a message in sleep mode, the Notification LED lights up in green and when also in the middle of a game . Additionally, the Notifications icon in the Home menu will change when you’ve received a new message.”

Lego Star War's allows you to unlock new characters with Game Coins feature

As some of you might all know the Nintendo 3DS will have a special feature of acting like a pedometer and then allows you to unlock content within certain games based on how many steps you take.And when you collect a certain amount of coins you can buy and or unlock things on certain games.One game that will use this feature is Lego Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3D ,And this will be the first game to use this feature.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sony NGP Reveal Trailer

This is a little trailer of what you can expect when and if you buy the Sony NGP (PSP 2).This video honestly really makes me want to get this system more and more now .I said I *probably * wouldn't get the system since there's already enough PSP's that do the same thing ,but this one has so many great new feature that I have to buy it .Expecially with the new touch screen and the touch pad in the back.

Iwata: The Sony NGP is taking a different direction, and we’re ignoring it anyways.

Satoru Iwata, the President of Nintendo of Japan summarised this quite nicely in a recent investor meeting by saying that “Nintendo is not the kind of company that thinks about how we oppose other company’s product” when asked about how Nintendo will deal with the “threat” of the Sony NGP. He also stated that Sony is “trying to appeal to customers from a different direction than us. The customers will decide which is correct.”

Note: I’ll probably share my full thoughts on the NGP soon.

NGP vs. 3DS...Round 1

The PSP 2 a.k.a. NPG will have a compition,The Nintendo 3DS.Alot of Sony fans are saying NGP stands for Nintendo Got Pwned.I'm not on any sides here because I think there both good game companies, but its very funny they changed the name of there PSP .And it has to be a PSP because it has the same control's but they added more.The PSP go didn't sell very good becuase it was 250.00 dollars and the DSi was only 160.00 .But the Nintendo 3DS is now 250.00 and unless the PSP 2 is under 300.00 dollars then it should sell fine.But I will buy both of them ,and remember there will be more to come .Right now it's a tie till I get more info.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This is just a sneak peak preview of Sony's NGP that they just unvield of what it will look like !


Sony now has a new system.Called the NGP for Next Generation Portable but you can still call it the PSP 2.On to the new features is it now has to two analog sticks.It will also have two camera's,One facing the front and one in the back.You still can't play UMD'S anymore,Yea the un-sweet part is you still have to download games like the PSP go.The NGP looks similar to the regular old PSP 1000, 2000 ,and 3000(Not the PSP go).The NGP will have a front and rear touch pad like the mouse on a laptop and the screen will be touch screen.There will be no 3D .There is no price yet and it will come out between 10-11 month's.Do you think the Nintendo 3DS has a problem? There will be more to come.Will you get the NGP ? I think I might..

Nintendo shares images of Nintendo 3DS prototypes

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Clear look at Home Menu on Nintendo 3DS !!!

This is just a clear look at what the home menu will look on the Nintendo 3DS And with a game inside the 3DS.In the video they also show what happen's when you press the home button.And the music sound's similar to the DSi home screen menu.But ther will be more to come!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Spect's !!

The following is included in the Nintendo 3DS box:
  1. Nintendo 3DS system
  2. Nintendo 3DS charging cradle
  3. Nintendo 3DS AC adapter
  4. Nintendo 3DS stylus
  5. SD Memory Card (2GB)
  6. AR Card(s) (view the cards using the outer cameras to play supported AR games)
  7. Quick-Start Guide
  8. Operations Manual (including warranty)

Nintendo 3DS launch games demo'd

The video is demo's from all the games that will be released for the 3DS.These are games that will be the new cartridge style if you look.If you look on previous post you can see the new cartridge style.And it is also now smaller and instead of grey it is white!

Nintendo 3DS Built in Features !

The video above shows all the built features that is installed in the Nintendo 3DS.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

There will be shortages: Only 900,000 3DS units available in North America at launch

Before March 31st there will be 4,000,000 Nintendo 3DS units made available to the world. 1,500,000 of these will be for Japan, and as MCV reports, a further 900,000 will for North America. And while these numbers sound  high, the Microsoft Kinect sold 1,000,000 units within ten days of its launch in the United States alone. And that’s a peripheral, meaning the target market is already quite small. There are going to be shortages, so I figure, if you have any interest in picking up a 3DS before the end of March, why not just preorder it? It’s not like be allocated for the European market. This leaves about 1,600,000 units available heading to or stopping by your local GameStop is too laborious

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Virtual Tour !!!

Check out the video above to see all the features that the Nintendo 3DS has!!!!!




Friday, January 14, 2011

3DS Box Photo's

Nintendo 3DS COMES WITH !!!!!!!! check below to see what it come's with

The picture is of The console it self(Cosmo Black and Aqua Blue) ,The box it comes in ,The game cartridge case ,The actuall game cartridge,The stylus ,And the the 3DS on the charging dock.By the way that box looks bigger than the Nintendo DSi XL box.And the Nintendo 3DS is slightly smaller than the Nintendo DSi. And also I meant to mention that the Nintendo 3DS comes with the augmented reality card but they didn't include that in the picture.

PSP 2 LEAKED !!!!!

This what the PSP 2 could look like.The new features is it has one more joy stick.So it now has 2 joy sticks.It might look similar to the PSP go.Some people who i asked "Do you think they will copy the Nintendo's 3DS" they said hope not.But if they do, im sure that im not buying one of there products again.And right now there's no release date or price yet.


A Nintendo 3ds has recently been stolen by a chinese factory worker.There's nothing to really say about it.In the video he is comparing it with other nintendo ds consoles. You can see when the person tries to turn it on all that comes up is numbers and letters .But it is very hard to see.So click on the video to check it out.