Monday, April 11, 2011

Im Back and 3DS Review !

I'm back ? Sorry I had that little pause I had in making blog post ! i have been REALLY busy playing my 3DS ! I got it on the first day it came out (March 27th). I have to say the 3DS is really awesome !It's so awesome there's not really a word for it ! Just to give it a short review I have to say, It is good to play with but some things get old after a while ! Some things that don't get old are the Augmented Reality Games. With the Fishing you can catch endless Breed's ! I "Might" do a video (and longer) review on the 3DS ! By the way, the 3DS does give me eye strain every one and a while !

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Got to Play the 3DS at Best Buy !!

I basicly got to play Nintendo's newest system, the Nintendo 3DS and I have to say it was awesome ! I played Pilot Wings Resort and that's not an all that game. It has its ups and its downs. But I did enjoy playing it. The 3D effect works just fine and for those who can't decide what color to get, Aqua Blue is really kinda more a greenish color than blue. But I have to say I did start getting a headache after (Almost) an hour of playing it, and yes I played it for (Almost) a whole hour. I hogged it ! By the way, the 3DS is now in every Best Buy across America, So you can try it now !

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Decorations" Filter in the 3D Camera on the Nintendo 3DS

This is a cool little Feature on the Nintendo 3DS Camera were you can just blow in the Microphone and Decorations will magily Appear! Thats Pretty cool to me , I bet there will be more video's on the Camera But There Will be many more viddeo's on the 3DS its self !

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fishing AR Game on Nintendo 3DS !

Here are one of the Augmented Reality games on the 3DS . This is a Fishing game called "Fishing" and it seems the Dragon Apears to show in alot of Augmented Reality Games ! So check for more Nintendo 3DS Video's !

A Clear look at the Nintendo 3DS Sound Application !

This is A good look at the Nintendo 3DS Camera Application to see what Features the camera has ! Basicly its just showing the settings and the Effects and things like that and thats it ! and we will Have many more upcoming video's soon !

A Quick Look at the Nintendo 3DS Friends List

So basicly, This is a Crystal Clear view of the Nintendo 3DS Friends list, and they do have a Feature were you can message your friends without being nearby ! So hopfully we'll have video's on that. But there will be very much more video's on the Nintendo 3DS so keep on checking for them !

Playing Around With the Backwards Compatibility on the Nintendo 3DS !

In the following video it just show how the Nintendo DS games you have now will look on the Nintendo 3DS ! This is the Backwards Compatiblity Feature that the Nintendo 3DS has, the two Gents in the video tells it all. There will be more Nintendo 3DS Video's on the way !